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We need to build an even better Vermont that works for all of us. Every Vermonter should have the opportunity to earn a livable wage, receive high-quality affordable healthcare, get a great education and retire with security.  
I am honored to be endorsed by...
 Let's Grow Kids VT
Moms Demand Action
Vermont Conservation Voters
Vermont State Employees Association
Planned Parenthood Vermont Action Fund
The Sierra Club
Everytown for Gun Safety 

Erin Brady for Williston 2022!.jpg

On the Issues

On the Issues

Children & Families

Research shows that every dollar invested in birth to five year old yields a three dollar return. In my first term, I was proud to vote to create a new Vermont Child Tax Credit

There’s a severe shortage of high quality childcare in Vermont and yet early childhood professionals are underpaid and undervalued. Child care is essential to our state and these shortcomings impact working families like mine as well as our entire state economy. I am committed to creating an affordable, accessible, high-quality child care system that serves all Vermonters.


In my first term I supported historic investments in workforce, housing, and broadband - aiming to strengthen and boost Vermont's economy for all citizens but much work remains to grow our economy. I support tax policy that reward work, not wealth. 


As a high school teacher and School Board member, I am passionate about supporting our public schools. I believe that public education is an important tool in creating a more just and equitable society, and I will continue to be a tireless advocate for our most vulnerable students. As a member of the House Education Committee, I led efforts to ensure that universal meals in schools would continue to be available to all children.  


I know all too well how difficult it is for graduating high school seniors to access and afford post-secondary education and training.  We need to do more to retain our graduates and help them reach their full potential

Climate Change

I will continue to support progress on Vermont Climate Action Plan. We must continue to make our communities more resilient to climate change while also preparing for a more energy efficient future.  

Common Sense Gun Laws

I am passionate about protecting our communities from unnecessary and painful gun violence. We have made important progress in Vermont but more work to remains. The leading cause of gun violence in Vermont is suicide and I am committed to policies that will help keep guns out of hands of Vermonters in crisis while we also invest in mental health systems. 

Reproductive Liberty

I believe that reproductive health care decisions are deeply personal and should be made between a patient and their health care provider. If passed, Vermont will be the first state in the country to explicitly protect reproductive liberty in its constitution. I was honored and to vote in favor of Proposal 5 (now Article 22) to amend our state constitution.  

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